2.02 Oval Diamond Engagement Ring

https://www.youtube .com/watch?v=hlQ2MjK7ADY

A 2.02ct Oval Cut Diamond set in a Knife Edge Solitaire Engagement Ring💗 Platinum Band D/Si2 $20,500https://www.diamondandgoldwarehouse.com/Diamond and Gold Warehouse specializes in creating custom diamond engagement rings, custom jewelry, custom wedding bands, bridal jewelry, and more. We have the best Diamond Rings Dallas has to offer. As the home of diamond Engagement Rings Dallas, we carry a large variety of wholesale GIA-certified diamonds and engagement ring styles to ensure you find exactly what you are looking for. There are many overhead costs a huge retailer must maintain. Choosing a trusted wholesale jeweler like us means you are going straight to the diamond manufacturing source, bypassing the middleman! Make an appointment with us today and get started picking out that custom engagement ring that you have been wanting!Follow us on Social Media for more content! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/diamondandg… Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/diamondandg… TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@diamondandgol… Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dandgwarehouse Twitter: https://twitter.com/DandGWarehouse#ovaldiamonds #wholesalediamonds #wholesalejewelery #loosediamondsdallas #jewelerystoredallas #wholesalediamondsdallas #dallas #dallasjeweler #dallasjewelrystore #customjewelry #customjewelrydallas #customengagementringsdallas #uniqueengagementrings #giacertifieddiamonds #GIA #diamonds #gold #engagementrings #weddingbands #loosediamonds #ovaldiamonds #looseovaldiamonds #bgengagementrings #smallbusiness #shoplocal #customringsdallas #customrings #wholesalejewelers #inhousejeweler #inhouse #bride #finejewelry #platinum #whitegold #diamondring #ring #diamonds #ovalengagementrings #platinumengagementrings #ovalcutdiamond #engagementring #solitairediamonds #jewelrystoredallas #diamondandgoldwarehouse #diamondringsdallas #customengagementrings